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• In the U.S., more women than men are tattooed (23% vs. 19%), according to a 2012 survey.
• The Latin word for “tattoo” is stigma.
• In a study of first impressions, online avatars that had tattoos (and other body modifications) were more likely to be viewed as adventure seekers, to have a higher number of previous sexual partners, to be less inhibited, and more likely to be thrill or adventure seekers than avatars without tattoos.
• Copying someone’s tattoo custom design is considered unethical in the body art world.
• Greek emperor Theophilus took revenge on two monks who had publicly criticized him by having 11 verses of obscene iambic pentameter tattooed on their foreheads.
• Americans spend approximately $1.65 billion on tattoos annually.
• Urine was sometimes used to mix tattoo color.
• In 1955, the assistant secretary of defense suggested that citizens tattoo their blood type on their arms in case there was an attack against the U.S.
• The sadistic Roman Emperor Caligula amused himself by capriciously ordering members of his court to be tattooed.

A bit boring rainy weekend? Enjoy this melodic and funky Dirty Talk by Oliver.
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