After the storm

266 - Almost Daily Photo Blog of Adrian Hancu - Photographer based in France
• The White Sea gets its name from the pale colored light and ice. This makes the waters look so light it actually looks white.
• The Red Sea gets its name because it looks red : ). This is from an acid that is red from the algae that lives in the sea. There are red blooms from a natural resource (bacteria) in the water. This turns the water red and is called “sea sawdust.”
• The Yellow Sea received its name from the sand storms. Sand from the storms make the waters turn yellow. Another is from the color of the fine sand and earthy material along its coast. Also there are some rivers that have the same silt that flows into the yellow sea.
• The Black Sea: It receives its name through a theory of the direction of the north on the compass. This theory was set apart from old times. Another way is suspected that its name came from the color of the clouds and fog. These clouds and fog appear from sudden storms that are dark. This makes the sea look black.

Of course there’s music too. Today enjoy Ludovico Einaudi with the phantasmagorical track Experience. Just close your eyes and dream.

Infinite perspective

Flag of Moldova // Drapelul Republicii Moldova // Bandera de Moldavia // Drapeau de la Moldavie // Moldaviens flagga // Сцяг Малдовы // Флаг Молдавии //
After the storm
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Supermoon melancholia
Food markets of Chisinau I (Literatura și arta — Eminescu la Odesa // Nr. 33 (3389), August 19, 2010)
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